THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY(Blooms for the month of Febuary 2012) - Part 1I have been so busy with my farm, orchid shows, POS blog and facebook that I have received many complaints that I have not updated my blog for a long time. This is true and my sincere apologies to all orchiidists for my shortcomings. As there will not be any big shows until April, I better feature some of the orchids that have bloomed in my farm this month.
Some are showy but some are a great disappointment, a common feature that besets all hybridisers. but nevertheless I am showing them for the benefits of those who have bought seedlings or flasks from me.
R10 (P. Amboinosa x P. amboinensis)
R14 P Michael Chamorro

R18 (P Goh Chin Chye)P Tan Lee Moy x P Hsu Li-shiang
R74 P Adeline Ang (P amboinensis x P Joy Musical Notation)

R155 P Soo Ngor (P Gladys Fang x P violacea 'Alba')
R174 P amboinensis sib

R229 (P Penang Ruby)

R231 P Penang Ruby x P Soo Kee
R233 P Poh Ee Huat
(P Tan Lee Moy x P violacea 'Malaysia')