Monday, November 16, 2009

New Registrations

New Hybrids Registered with RHS

Dendrobium Kuok Hock Toh
A primary hybrid of two species i.e Den leporinum 'Alba' x Den antennatum with Den antennatum being more dominant genetically. The hybrid measures 4cm x 2 1/2 cm in size with two green upright petals with a half twist. The sepals are white and the column and side-lopes are lemon yellow. Lip is also lemon yellow with a white patch at the top of the lip. The very distinguishable dark vertical lines found on the lip of Den antennatum is not found in this hybrid but faint lines can be seen if viewed closer.

Phalaenopsis Tosh Chamorro

This hybrid is named after my grandson. One of the parent plant is named after his mother P Valerie Ang. My hybrid P Valerie Ang produces both red and yellow flowers. I used one of the red ones for this crossing. The flower measures 31/2 cm x 3 cm. The petals and sepals are violet red in color. The column is white and side lopes are yellow.The lip is pinkish red in color.
A plant with three blooms was entered in the show on 24 October 2009 (Perak Orchid Society annual Orchid Nite ) and was awarded a third placing in a very strong field.

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