Thursday, August 9, 2012

R312 P Ang Ai Hue

Phalaenopsis Ang Ai Hue (R312)

One of my more sucessful hybrid is R312 ( P. cornu-cervi x P. Valentinii "Red") . This hybrid is named after my sister, Ang Ai Hue and produces a variety of colours, the most popular of which is the solid red as showed in the photograph above. My most recent sale of a plant was transacted at RM650. Others have been sold at between RM150 to RM350.
As stated in my previous blog, I have a deep passion for P. cornu-cervi and its hybrids.  I have more than 2000 mature plants in my farm and many thousands more in flasks.
The seed pod of P. cornu-cervi will take between 6 to 10 months for it to ripen and just a seed may produce a few thousand seedlings.

Typical Seed Pod of a cornu-cervi hybrid

The most common way to grow cornu-cervi is to tie it to a piece of wood or better still fern root slab. They should also be watered twice a day especially when there is no rain and fertilized with a high nitrogen fertilizer.


The roots of P. cornu-cervi are normally thick and extend out of the pot.  As the saying goes the orchid plant is as healthy as it's roots and when the roots start to rot, the health of the plant deteriorates. To prevent the root from rotting from over fertilizing and watering, I grow them in relatively larger pots without any media like how Vandas are grown. The only difference is that the roots are carefully placed into the pots through a hole which I cut at the topmost part of the pot with the plant outside. I secure it with some cord to keep it in place.
Once the roots harden and starts to grow, the plant will become healthier and start to produce flower spikes. I water it generously twice a day  and fertilise it with a 20;20;20 mix of 10 gms to  4.5 liters of water every five days. Fungicide and insecticides are used  twice every month.

The pots are hung vertically on BRC nettings to save space and this also makes watering and spraying easier. 
To grow a show quality plant into a prize winning show plant will take at least 5 years for it to produce at least 10-15 spikes. Occasionally a higher P:K mixture is used to promote spiking.
For more photographs go to this link in my facebook (Robert Ang) under New Blooms June 2012 (cornu-cervi & hybrids)